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Landscape Technician (Upper Hillside Management)
Flora Conservation Department
Job Summary:
The job-holder has to perform daily task as assigned by supervisory staff of the team. S/he should apply the horticultural techniques to carry out gardening works, which including watering, weeding, pest control, planting, applying organic fertilizer & pesticide in gardens, on slope and along main road. Pruning and weeding along trails, paths and roadside. The jobs should be done with work safety concerns.
Major duties
- Follow instruction from supervisory staff to perform the daily work.
- Responsible for routine gardening work, like watering, weeding, pest control, planting, pruning, applying organic fertilizer and pesticide, in the upper hillside area, including gardens, on slope and along main road, etc.
- Applying the horticulture skills to carry out pruning and weeding along trails, paths and roadside, etc.
- Regular maintenance for lawns in different areas.
- Replacement and enhancement planting in responsible areas.
- Applying organic pesticide & fertilizer for plants.
- Responsible to carry out cleaning for gardening tools.
- Comply with the work safety guidelines.
Other Duties:
- You are expected to strive to work in line with the KFBG values, in pursuit of the Vison and Mission of the organization, and to self-assess your performance in this regard.
- You are expected to participate in activities arranged by KFBG with the intention of developing the organizational culture.
- Sets up preventive measures for preparation of typhoon. After the typhoon, he should have site check and tidy up the area with personal protection gears.
- Performs other indoor tasks under bad weather.
- Any other duties as requested by the management.
該員工須根據上司當日所委派的事項在上山區工作。她 /他需運用園藝技術在花園、斜坡及沿途馬路進行園藝工作,包括淋水、除雜草、防蟲、種植、施放有機肥及有機防蟲劑。並必須遵守工作安全指引進行。
- 按上司指示進行日常工作。
- 負責上山區的花園、斜坡及沿途馬路等日常的園藝工作,如淋水、除雜草、防蟲、種植、修剪、施放有機肥及有機防蟲劑等。
- 運用園藝技術在小徑、步道及沿馬路做修剪及除雜草。
- 在數個地方的草地做定期的保養。
- 在負責的區內做補種及加種植物。
- 替植物施放有機肥及有機防蟲劑。
- 負責清潔園藝工具。
- 遵守工作安全指引。
- 本園期望你能努力配合本園的價值觀,朝著本園的願景及使命邁進,及就此目標作自我評估。
- 本園期望你會參與由農場安排致力推進機構文化發展的活動。
- 颱風前,做妥防風措施;颱風後,須穿上個人防護裝備去巡查地方及清理受影響的地方。
- 在惡劣天氣下,須進行其他室內的工作。
- 由上司安排的任何工作。